Vignette For plotcli R6 class usage

Using plotcli R6 class

Setting up a scatter plot with two data sets


plot_width = 80
plot_height = 40

# Create some example data
x <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = 100)
y1 <- sin(x)
y2 <- cos(x)

data_1 = list(
              x = x, 
              y = y1, 
              name = "y1 = sin(x)", 
              color = "blue",
              type = "line",
              braille = FALSE

data_2 = list(
                x = x, 
                y = y2, 
                name = "y2 = cos(x)", 
                color = "red",
                type = "line",
                braille = FALSE

# Create a plotcli object with specified dimensions
plot <- plotcli$new(
                    plot_width = plot_width, 
                    plot_height = plot_height, 
                    x_label = "X-axis", 
                    y_label = "Y-axis"

# Add data sets to the plot

# Print the plot
#>                 ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐      
#>             1.0 │******         **********                                                  *****│      
#>                 │      *       **         **                                               *     │      
#>                 │      **     *             *                                             **     │      
#>                 │        *  **               *                                           *       │      
#>                 │         * *                 *                                         *        │      
#>                 │          **                  *                                      **         │      
#>                 │         * *                   *                                     *          │      
#>                 │        *   *                   *                                   *           │      
#>                 │       *     *                  *                                  *            │      
#>                 │      *      *                   *                                *             │      
#>             0.5 │      *       *                   *                               *             │      
#>                 │     *         *                   *                             *              │      
#>                 │     *         *                    *                            *              │      
#>                 │    *           *                   *                           *               │      
#>                 │   *             *                  *                          *                │      
#>                 │  *              *                   *                        *                 │      
#>                 │  *               *                   *                       *                 │      
#>                 │ *                 *                   *                     *                  │      
#>                 │ *                 *                    *                    *                  │   y1 = sin(x)  
#>   Y-axis    0.0 │*                   *                   *                   *                  *│   y2 = cos(x)  
#>                 │                    *                   *                  *                   *│      
#>                 │                     *                   *                 *                  * │      
#>                 │                      *                   *               *                   * │      
#>                 │                       *                   *             *                    * │      
#>                 │                       *                   *             *                   *  │      
#>                 │                       *                    *           *                   *   │      
#>                 │                        *                   *           *                  *    │      
#>                 │                         *                   *         *                  *     │      
#>                 │                          *                   *       *                   *     │      
#>            -0.5 │                           *                   *     *                    *     │      
#>                 │                           *                    *    *                   *      │      
#>                 │                            *                   *   *                   *       │      
#>                 │                             *                   * *                   *        │      
#>                 │                              *                   *                   *         │      
#>                 │                               *                 * *                 *          │      
#>                 │                                *               *   *               **          │      
#>                 │                                 *             *     *             *            │      
#>                 │                                  **         **       **         **             │      
#>                 │                                    *       *           **     ***              │      
#>            -1.0 │                                     *******             ******                 │      
#>                 └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘      
#>                   0.0                1.6                3.1                 4.7               6.3       
#>                                                      X-axis                                             

Combining Ascii and braille characters

plotcli can use braille characters for plotting scatter and line plots, which give a much higher resolution on supported terminals. Whether to use braille or ascii characters can be specified for each data set.



# Fit a linear model
lm_fit <- lm(wt ~ mpg, data = mtcars)

# Create a new dataset with the predicted values
predicted_data <- data.frame(mpg = mtcars$mpg, predicted_wt = predict(lm_fit, mtcars))

# we use braille characters for the regression line
data_1 = list(
              x = predicted_data$mpg, 
              y = predicted_data$predicted_wt, 
              name = "Regression Line", 
              color = "red",
              type = "line",
              braille = TRUE

# and ascii characters for the raw data
data_2 = list(
                x = mtcars$mpg, 
                y = mtcars$wt, 
                name = "Data Points", 
                color = "blue",
                type = "scatter",
                braille = FALSE

# Create a plotcli object
plot_width = 80
plot_height = 40
plot_obj <- plotcli$new(
                        x_label = "Miles per Gallon", 
                        y_label = "Weight"

# Add raw data and regression line

# Print the plot
#>                 ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐      
#>             5.4 │*              *                                                                │      
#>                 │*                                                                               │      
#>                 │                                                                                │      
#>                 │                                                                                │      
#>                 │                                                                                │      
#>                 │                                                                                │      
#>                 │                                                                                │      
#>                 │⡢                                                                               │      
#>                 │ ⠡⠡                                                                             │      
#>                 │   ⠡⠡⠡                                                                          │      
#>             4.4 │      ⠡⠡                                                                        │      
#>                 │        ⠡⡂⡁                                                                     │      
#>                 │          ⠁⡂⡂       *                                                           │      
#>                 │             ⡓⡕⠢                                                                │      
#>                 │          *    ⠖⠻⠵⠐           *                                                 │      
#>                 │                *⠔⡈⡆⠲  *                                                        │      
#>                 │                   ⠒⠷⡙⠳                                                         │      
#>                 │             *  **   ⠐⠶⡙⡇⠢                                                      │      
#>                 │                *      ⠐⡀**⠥* *                                                 │   Regression Line  
#>   Weight    3.3 │                           ⡃⡪⢩⡄                                                 │   Data Points  
#>                 │                              ⠥⡩⡆    *                                          │      
#>                 │                  *             ⠠⡦⡆⠦      *     *                               │      
#>                 │                                  ⠠⡠⡦⡦                                          │      
#>                 │                                    ⠐⠲⢅⡳⠣                                       │      
#>                 │                                    ** ⠒⡢⢅⠥⠡                                    │      
#>                 │                                *        ⠂⠒⠖⠥⠥                                  │      
#>                 │                                    *       ⠒⠒⠷⠥⠠                               │      
#>                 │                                               ⠒⠔⠢⠢                             │      
#>                 │                                      *          ⠒⠒⠴⠢⠠                          │      
#>             2.3 │                                          *         ⠤⠦⠦⠢                        │      
#>                 │                                                      ⠠⠤⠦⠤                 *    │      
#>                 │                                                     *  ⠠⠢⠤⠄⠂                   │      
#>                 │                                                           ⠠⠢⠄⠂                 │      
#>                 │                                                          *  ⠠⠢⠤⠄⠂              │      
#>                 │                                                                ⠠⠢⠄⠄           *│      
#>                 │                                                                  ⠠⡐⠴⠄⠂         │      
#>                 │                                                                    *⠰⠲⠴⠤       │      
#>                 │                                                                    *   ⠐⠴⠴⠂    │      
#>                 │                                                                           ⠐⠒⠒  │      
#>             1.3 │                                                                              ⠒⠒│      
#>                 └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘      
#>                  10.4               16.3               22.1                28.0              33.9       
#>                                                 Miles per Gallon                                        